Eleni Vlachonasiou
Dipl. Eng, (AUTH) M Arch (UCL), PhD (AUTH)
Tel: 23210 49274
Fax: 23210 49154
- 2012 _ PhD Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
- 1996 _ M Arch in Architectural Design, UCL, The Bartlett Faculty of Built Environment, London
- 1995 _ Dipl. Arch/Eng., Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
- 2012 _ PhD Thesis: “Techniques of representation of space and morphogenesis in the 20th century -
digital design tools and effects on architecture.”
- 1996 _ March Thesis: “Waterloo Strands: a redefinition of the relation between the city and the railway
station - Rehabilitation of the Waterloo Sation in London.”
- 1995 _ Diploma Thesis: “Rehabilitation of the Nautical Club of Thessaloniki building and facilities.”
- Digital Tools for Design and Construction
- Technical Drawing
- Constructional Drawing through Computer Aided Design
- Building Construction II
Post Graduate :
MSc “Interventions on Buildings and Open Spaces: repair, rehabilitation and urban
- Bioclimatic Design and Energy Upgrading of Buildings and Open Spaces
- Supervision of post-graduate theses:
- “The Contribution of Intelligent Skins in energy upgrading of high-rise buildings”
- “Sustainable Rehabilitation of the Student Residence Area at the Democritus University
Campus in Xanthi”
- “Sustainable Interventions in Industrial Buildings”
2019- present Erasmus coordinator for the Department of Civil Engineering, International
Hellenic University.
Research Interests:
- Architectural Design and techniques for the representation of space
- Design tools and form-finding processes
- Digital technologies for special representations and constructions
- Journals/Conferences 12
- Other publications: 3
- Reviews (2)
- Conference presentations: 3
- Colloquiums:5
- Invited lectures: 2